@kdfrawg The iPad & array of chargers & cables are modern (but without the iPad I’d be taking a selection of books that would probably weigh at least as much). Camera is actually fairly compact, so probably isn’t heavier than a small camera any time in the last 50 years or so. The watercolour kit & sketchbook are probably the ones that are least modern.

Maybe what’s modern is the idea of travelling light. Being wealthy enough to travel, but using public transport and having to carry your own bags.


@kdfrawg I didn’t travel a lot, but the power station always had stacks of hats for visitors. Of course, if you were working in controlled areas you had to put on station-supplied top clothes at the changing barriers anyway.


@kdfrawg I think that’s the case here too. And some mixes.



Both sound like quite a lot of work! I tend to steer a bit clear of greyhounds when we’re out walking, because their preferred play style is to pin Bembo to the ground and not let him get up. He’s very good-natured, but even he stops enjoying that game quite quickly.


So it looks as if you’re taking a trailer full of stuff with you!

It would seem more sensible for them to lend you a hat & vest.

My clothes seem to be the smallest part of my packing. Certainly the lightest.

We had to wait a few years till we weren’t both out at work all the time. Dogs don’t like being left on their own a lot.

I don’t know. Certainly there are worse problems around than a few archaic traditions with dodgy symbolism.
