@ukhaiku Good morning! How did the First Night go?
// @mrshaiku
@mrshaiku Bembo alternated running around and napping. As the day progressed, the running around times got shorter and the nap times got longer.
// @ukhaiku @jpa @kdfrawg
@mrshaiku It all seems amazingly relaxed. I think it was about three weeks before I found time to go to the loo.
// @ukhaiku @jpa @kdfrawg
@hazardwarning Even £100 membership fee is probably a lot cheaper than having to drive round assorted churches and record offices!
// @c
@hazardwarning Someone on my father’s side of our family put together a family tree going back to about 17-something (I think that’s when they arrived in Yorkshire). Next time I visit I must pick my mother’s brains about her family. Before it’s too late. :( I think her grandparents were mainly Manx.
// @c