Good morning! How did the First Night go?


@kdfrawg We call that one, ”spatchcocked puppy.“


I recognise that position! She looks quite relaxed in her new home!

I hope the rest of your journey goes more smoothly!

Bembo alternated running around and napping. As the day progressed, the running around times got shorter and the nap times got longer.

// @kdfrawg

It all seems amazingly relaxed. I think it was about three weeks before I found time to go to the loo.

// @kdfrawg

Oh no!

What a cutie!


Even £100 membership fee is probably a lot cheaper than having to drive round assorted churches and record offices!


Someone on my father’s side of our family put together a family tree going back to about 17-something (I think that’s when they arrived in Yorkshire). Next time I visit I must pick my mother’s brains about her family. Before it’s too late. :( I think her grandparents were mainly Manx.
