@kdfrawg One of them dive-bombed Bembo last summer because he got too close to one of the youngsters. Since then, he’s stuck to chasing pigeons & crows & gives the gulls a wide berth.


@kdfrawg I think mine’s on Alpha Centauri.


Seagulls are big!


We’re well away from the sea, but the gulls are a real menace. They tear all the rubbish bags up and spread the contents around. As well as making a lot of noise and threatening anybody who walks to close to their young (who hang around in the middle of the park).

@kdfrawg And it isn’t covered in the manual!


@kdfrawg Yay!


@kdfrawg Adult dogs seem to have quite staggering bladder capacity at any time. Mind you, they also think that any time there’s nothing interesting going on is sleep time, so that could be a factor.


@kdfrawg Only 70-something for me, and there were 120 one night at the weekend. Randomness — or maybe I slept longer at the weekend.

Yes, I think alcohol in any form is more likely to dim than to enhance creativity, though there seem to be some people who manage to create in spite of it.


D’you think beer is less encouraging of imagination than absinthe?
