@kdfrawg Exactly.


I never hand my bag over now.

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg Bembo isn’t, but he doesn’t go by plane.


No. BA and Air France. Aeroflot loaded the plane, then didn’t take off because of snow & sent us all to a hotel, leaving the luggage on the plane.

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg That would make for an easier journey.


@kdfrawg I’ve done the heavy approach but it was a pain not being able to pick my bag up, and a worse pain when the airlines didn’t deliver them properly.


I normally travel very light, but I suppose it’s different when you’re going to live there.

// @kdfrawg

I can see that. They’re very rewarding, but also quite constraining.


@kdfrawg My subconscious might have to do the work today.
