Pressing the home button still works, it just won’t require you do do it if the screen’s already awake.

What’s wrong with iMessage? (I haven’t used it yet.)

You can turn the button press requirement off in settings. I’ve done that for my iPad, because I unfold the cover to open it. I don’t see that pressing, rather than just touching the button adds anything. I’ll wait and see with the phone — I had to press the button before, so this is less of a change.

Very sensible.


Yuck. 90% humidity for the afternoon walk. And Dark Sky said it was going to rain, so I wore a waterproof.

I wanted to stay in touch with my parents, even without any Asian influences. :) Probably not as much as they wanted, but that might be inevitable.

I think people stay in touch more now, with texts or whatever you prefer to use, and photos. When I was a student we had to queue for the phone for a weekly call home.

You’ll be fine once you get used to the change.

@kdfrawg There are a few things, and it’s not reasonable to expect amazing new stuff every year.


@kdfrawg Universal Clipboard might be handy. I like the idea of having RAW files for my photos, though for most snapshots it’s excessive. Handy when you know the colour balance or exposure is tricky & that you’ll want to play with it later.

A few things.
