@hazardwarning It looks lovely here too, but chilly. We’ll need to wrap up well for our Sunday brunch today.
@kdfrawg We’ve enjoyed the previous ones. Bembo hunts for his mice, but some of the dogs will only work for cheese. They said you can use heroin, but it gets expensive. (It’s set up by someone who worked with sniffer dogs in Customs.)
// @skematica
@kdfrawg I managed to find some. This way I won’t hate it when the teacher sticks bits of cheese in the pockets.
// @skematica
@kdfrawg He had me trawling the charity shops for old suitcases this afternoon! We’re supposed to take some along to the scent work day at the weekend & weren’t too keen on having every dog in the class slobbering over our real luggage.
// @skematica