@kdfrawg One would think so. Luckily, I think the dog generally heads for the duck pond, so he isn’t too hard to find and doesn’t run out into the road.
// @hazardwarning @ukhaiku
@kdfrawg One would think so. Luckily, I think the dog generally heads for the duck pond, so he isn’t too hard to find and doesn’t run out into the road.
// @hazardwarning @ukhaiku
@kdfrawg We often meet a Springer in the park. He’s on a long lead and every time he starts playing with Bembo, the owner relents and lets him off the lead, then he stops playing and runs at full speed into the bushes at the other end of the field. Every single time.
// @hazardwarning @ukhaiku
@kdfrawg I kept seeing that scene from Barbarella where she’s being nibbled by the dolls.
// @ukhaiku
@kdfrawg It’s a bit unpredictable with cross breeds. Some cockapoos are only half Bembo’s size. I know of a couple of bigger ones, but I’m quite pleased that he’s towards the larger end of their range.
// @hazardwarning @ukhaiku
@kdfrawg I can’t remember exactly what age B was when he stopped, but we had a couple of sets of visitors when he was about five months old and I think they didn’t get chewed. Those puppy teeth are sharp little things though!
// @ukhaiku
@kdfrawg I have a soft spot for big dogs, but given the layout of our house and that they’re not supposed to do stairs before their joints are fully mature, we needed one that I could pick up at full adult weight.
// @hazardwarning @ukhaiku
@ukhaiku Bembo came with a month of insurance arranged by the breeders & when I was ringing the company to set up long term insurance, they asked, has he ever bitten. I solemnly answered no. D’you think they’ve ever met a puppy?
@ukhaiku Bembo was a tad under 2kg when we got him & put on nearly ½kg per week for months. He was 10kg at 6 months and is about 15kg now. Sounds as if she’ll be bigger!
// @hazardwarning
@ukhaiku She doesn’t look like a rascal. You must be confusing her with some other puppy!