@kdfrawg And all those bacteria that have to find a new home.


@kdfrawg Life, for instance.


But the food’s worse.

@kdfrawg Don’t touch any more mechanical things!

@kdfrawg Ouch!

Hope it’s starting to get a little bit less tiring now.


Found it.

kālosmi lokakṣayakṛt pravṛddho
lokān samāhartum iha pravṛttaḥ
ṛtepi tvāṃ na bhaviṣyanti sarve
yevasthitāḥ pratyanīkeṣu yodhāḥ 11.32

lokakṣayakṛt is the word.

Loka is space, the world.

Monier Williams says:
kshaya, as, m. (for 1. see under 2. kshi last
col.), loss, waste, wane, diminution, destruction, decay
wasting or wearing away; fall (as of prices, opposed to
vṛddhi, e. g. kshayo vṛddhiś ća paṇyānām, the
fall and rise in the price of commodities); removal;
end, termination (e. g. nidrā-kshaya, the end of
sleep; dina-kshaye, at the end of day; jīvita-
kshaye, at the end of life; kshayaṃ yā or gam, to
become less, be diminished, go to destruction, come
to an end, perish); consumption, pthisis pulmonalis;
sickness in general; the destruction of the universe;
(in algebra) a negative quality, a minus. — Kshaya-
kara, as, ī, am, causing destruction or ruin, de-
structive, ruinous, terminating; liberating from ex-
istence. — Kshaya-kāla, as, m. the end of all things,
the period of destruction. — Kshaya-kāsa, as, m. a
consumptive or phthisical cough. — Kshaya-kṛt, t,
t, t, or kshayań-kara, as, ī, am, causing ruin or
loss; destructive. — Kshaya-nāśinī, f. the plant
Celtis Orientalis, = jīvantī (‘removing consump-
tion’). — Kshaya-paksha, as, m. the dark fortnight,
that of the moon's wane. — Kshaya-yukti, is, f. or
kshaya-yoga, as, m. necessity or opportunity of
destroying. — Kshaya-roga, as, m. consumption.
— Kshayarogi-tva, am, n. or kshayarogi-tā, f.
consumption. — Kshaya-rogin, ī, iṇī, i, consumptive.
— Kshaya-vāyu, us, m. the wind that is to blow at [Page0267-a+ 79]
the end of the world. — Kshaya-sampad, t, f. total
loss, ruin, destruction.

So what is the Sanskrit for shatterer?

That’s an impressive terrace!

So cute! Bembo never made it to the groomer because Mr I was worried he’d come home smelling like a synthetic fruit salad.
