@kdfrawg It seems the current state of knowledge is that it’s not a great idea to kill off all those bacteria, but we don’t know another way to wipe out the ones that are making you ill, and we don’t have a reliable way to repair the damage afterwards.

So, probiotics, prebiotics, yoghurt, sauerkraut & a bit of help from Bembo is about the best we can do for now. The snazziest probiotics have a dozen or so species, compared with 12,000 or so even in our weedy modern microbiota.


@kdfrawg But that typo was mocking me!


@kdfrawg :) I keep forgetting that if you edit a post, it shifts it around the timeline.


@kdfrawg We still think the sun orbits the earth.


@kdfrawg On a more local level, my investigations were driven by wanting to limit the damage done by my recent course of antibiotics.


@kdfrawg And the single celled organisms are larger than all the plants and animals together.


@kdfrawg It’s fascinating stuff, but an area we’re only just starting to learn about. It has scope to be pretty powerful, I think. It does shift your perspective a little to realise that your body’s bacteria outnumber your own cells by a considerable margin!


@kdfrawg I’ve been reading lots of stuff about gut bacteria.


@kdfrawg Along with the bacteria.


@kdfrawg Worms and flies, maybe.
