There are still a few leaves clinging on to the acer.


We have a friend who has one of those long term “manageable” bone cancers. Still not fun, but better than the other kind.

Oh no! I hope it turns out to be one of the more treatable kinds.

Sometimes, but I don’t always take it out. That one was taken with the phone.

Sunday morning.


When Bembo and I go out, I take photos of trees and sky while he checks out all the smells. And both of us get a little interaction with other humans and dogs, which is probably good for us. Sometimes I get coffee too.


I did it for about seven years, but have struggled to get back. I’ve managed to be in the weight range I’m happy with for about ten of the last fifteen years.

When I follow the diet that suits me I do better too. It’s just that I don’t do it consistently enough. An excess of carbs can send me into depression quite reliably — although hormones and stressful situations play a part too.

Mind you, I can get anxious and depressed just fine without it.

I’m lucky: I hate the taste.