Just about to start one — what’s the betting my mother will phone as soon as I get going?

I’m not that impressed with the first Giordano book. I think I’ll try one of the others next.

I would like that too.

Anyway, it could be about to get a lot more crowded over there!


No, but I think the books are largely fictional.


Dublin is pretty expensive already.


I think it’s three years for spouses of Irish citizens. Five years for other UK people. Mr I took longer to decide, so he’s only just started the process.


I never read the Cadfael ones, but we watched a few of the TV episodes one time when we were staying with my mother, and the idea was left lurking at the back of my mind.

And was inspired by this article in the Guardian to try the Giordano Bruno books: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/feb/17/italy-hero-martyr-giordano-bruno-heresy

Plenty of escape from nasty reality there.

I bought one of the Cadfael ones too.