I’ve got a brass Lilliput. It doesn’t like not being used often though. Tends to dry out.

You made me want to dig my Kaweco out.

I was helping someone make an ebook. Each reader rendered them differently.

That’s not much for a main meal.

I saw someone else mention that. It might have been .


It is. :)


I think some might be on Twitter, but I’m not. And some just dropped out of social media.


I’ve just booked a scent work course for Bembo. He has a much more active social life than I do.

That’s my interest too — but I miss some of the people who drifted off at various times.


I’d like it if some of the people who drifted away from ADN back to Twitter came over here, but I sort of assumed that if they’d enjoyed this style of thing, they wouldn’t have left.