@variablepulserate They’re working to a tighter budget on ingredients and time, so the filling will be minced. Hand chopped gives a better texture. The seasoning will be a pre-made spice mix, not freshly ground, and will probably have more of the cheaper spices and less of the expensive ones.
@height8 I’m working on that. This morning’s outing to a coffee shop required me to work out how to edit actions in Drafts. I’m sure it’s changed since last time I used it. Also, must turn of autocorrect on the phone because the note that turned up was nothing like what I was trying to type. Maybe I should have put my glasses on.
To do:
- make biscuits
- preserve lemons
- I’m sure there was something else, but I can’t remember what it was.
@JeremyCherfas I use a thermometer when I make green tea. Everything else is either boiling or guessed. I don’t care enough to replace this one before it reaches the end of its natural life.
Aside: I’ve never managed a succesful repair of anything with Sugru.
// @height8
@height8 I think that’s right. The ones who leap on every new one as it comes out left long ago, and the ones left are tired.
// @matigo @sumudu
@height8 Yes, ours lifts off an electric base. It is very convenient.
// @JeremyCherfas