Both, really.

I’m nervous. I hate tests.


We’re off to take the gold test. Bembo is feeling quietly confident.

Typing with the keyboard on the iPad isn’t bad, though it’s a tad small for my muscle memory to get it right on some of the edge combinations. It all breaks when I use Riposte or Plurkid though, because they won’t work in landscape.

@kdfrawg I don’t really know what price you should set. The ranges you suggested sound reasonable. I thought the hardback price seemed high, then remembered it’s in dollars, not pounds, so that brings it down a bit.

For myself, I don’t buy books from Apple because of their lack of portability & I like to use somewhere other than Amazon if possible, to discourage their stranglehold, but I do buy from Amazon if I can’t find the book I want anywhere else.

Now can I read it?


I never got your first PM about joining here. It might be worth checking if the message arrived.

Probably better than being squeezed into half a seat on the window side. I had a nasty transatlantic flight in between two >1 seat sized men a few years ago.

I prefer my food without antibiotics. I hope that in the case of actual illness his animals get real treatment though.


Thank you.