@kdfrawg So much easier to catch, then! Just trying to think of something that would be at home in our current climate.
// @c
@kdfrawg So much easier to catch, then! Just trying to think of something that would be at home in our current climate.
// @c
@ukhaiku For your shopping list, if you haven’t already got it: a water bowl that attaches to the side of the crate. We didn’t have one at first, and when we put a normal bowl in, he knocked it over every single time.
@matigo John (@jpa ?) is having problems getting into blurbs. I told him you’d sort it all out. :D
@ukhaiku When I was nine and my parents got a dog, I think they just bought a collar and lead. The food bowl was an old mixing bowl and she had an old chair for her bed (she was nearly a year old when she arrived, not a little puppy).
@ukhaiku This is really useful too: http://www.k9active.co.uk/k9unit-water-bottle-for-dogs-by-h2o4k9/ We first got it because we had a four hour drive to bring Bembo home from the breeders — even though he was scared and wouldn’t eat anything, he had a little drink from it in the car. Now it’s handy for giving him a drink if he’s been running around on a hot day. All the other dogs wander up & want a drink too!