Anna Karenina took me longer than that. So did Crime and Punishment.

// @kdfrawg

I’ll think I’m doing well if I manage to read some books to put on your site. I used to read a book a day. My power to focus on anything has completely dissipated.

// @kdfrawg

I can’t believe how much you do!

// @kdfrawg

I don’t think it would be valuable.

// @kdfrawg

Ah, I thought you meant that during this month he’d gone past 1,000 in total. He must be well up the scoreboard for number of words!

// @kdfrawg

I try to avoid phone calls. :)

A useful visit then.

// @kdfrawg

Was your daughter happy with the university visits?

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg It seems I sailed past it without noticing sometime or other.


If your entire network is down, how will I let you know about it?