@kdfrawg Not worth picking your way through that unless there’s a critical mass of users.

@kdfrawg The ones I’ve seen most are vBulletin & phpBB.

@kdfrawg Seems the ones I visit haven’t changed for decades.

@kdfrawg Always. Not much point in spending the resources if there’s nobody there.


@kdfrawg The responsive interface stuff?

@kdfrawg Sigh. A broad-based chatty and intelligent forum would be a wonderful thing. (Well, you know, a forum with chatty intelligent people discussing a wide range of subjects, not actually the forum being intelligent or chatty…)


Do you think you should have been more direct?

@kdfrawg Before ADN forums were the only social stuff I’d really done on the internet. The idea that you read everything or nothing that someone posts seemed strange to me. I was much more used to joining in the discussions that appealed, no matter who started them.




@kdfrawg I’d be fine with that.
