@kdfrawg Now, when I remember rag and bone men going round with horse-drawn carts, it seems like something from another world.


@kdfrawg They do, but as a small child, it all seemed normal to me.


@kdfrawg No, not very much like that.


@kdfrawg No, Victorian seaside towns.


@kdfrawg I’ve never seen them outside Fleetwood.


@kdfrawg And I’m pretty sure that there are many humans who have not had parched peas. (Which always came along with the Vimto lollies when we were children.)


@kdfrawg Probably not.


@kdfrawg My mother (from further north in Lancashire) says that neither Vimto nor hamster has a p. Mr I is from South Lancashire, and is in the p camp. Added to ’s input, we can start to postulate a band of invisible p across the country, somewhere around the north of the midlands. Research continues…


:( That’s wretched.

We usually have a bottle in the house, but I don’t ever drink it. Mr I does occasionally. A bottle lasts years.

// @kdfrawg